Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
The ‘Beauty’ of Mr Blobby: Marketing ‘ugly’ species for nature
We humans have our favourites in the natural world. Just consider the status accorded to pandas, lions, and elephants. Charismatic species get a lot of attention, and not only from the public, but also from scientists and policy makers. We spend significant resources on studying, conserving and telling their stories. But what about ‘ugly’ species? What kind of impact does our lesser interest in them have on their existence and conservation as a whole?
In this episode Rob hears from Simon Watt, a biologist and president of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, which crowned ‘Mr. Blobby’ as the ugliest animal in the world. Rob also talks to Professor Bob Smith at the University of Kent, about so-called ‘Cinderella’ species and how we can change things for ‘ugly’ species.
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